Wednesday, 15 August 2012

From The Walkley Magazine

From The Walkley Magazine, July - August 2012.
Appears also in my book collection If You Weren’t A Hedgehog… If I Weren’t A Haemophiliac…

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Friday, 10 August 2012

From The Big Issue Australia

From Issue 412, July 28 - August 10. Issue 413 out now!


My four-year old daughter lives, for much of the time, in a rich fantasy world. This results in her often having to often confirm for herself that something is real life, and not make believe. Her default understanding of the phrase "We're going to the shops" is not "We are going to the shops", but "We are now playing a game in which we are pretending we are going to the shops". If she suspects we might ACTUALLY be going to the shops, her standard response is a suspicious pause, followed by the one-word question - 'Real?'. Also, when she suspects she is being bullshitted (eg. 'What's for breakfast mummy?' 'Chocolate pancakes with chocolate cake and chocolate sauce'), her response will be a suspicious, sideward-looking glance and, 'Real?'.

So, in tribute to this, I initiate an occasional series of real-life images. Real.

Monday, 6 August 2012

From The Sunday Age, 5th August 2012

And one that didn't get up...

Also - very proud to be included in Kaz Cooke's subjective list of favourite cartoonists in Saturday's Age:

but slightly ashamed that the only web address available for me was an ancient (in web terms - probably 7 or 8 years old), single page, generously hosted by Canberra cartoonist, David Pope on HIS site, that features an outdated bio, an email address and a 15 year-old cartoon. Man, that cartoon's almost old enough to drive! -Sigh- Is there any creative artist currently working with LESS digital presence than me? Maybe this blog will start to change that, yes?